2345首页 » 动物百科 » 黄股短须寄蝇

所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 双翅目 » 寄生蝇科 »

学名:Linnaemya flavifemur
Body length: 7.0 mm. Male. Head yellowish, densely covered with grayish-white pruinosity. Frontal vitta brownish-yellow; fronto-orbital plate covered with golden yellow pruinosity and sparse black hairs; parafacial bare, covered with grayish-white pruinosity; gena yellowish brown in ground color, covered with yellow pruinosity; lunule yellowish brown; occiput covered with yellowish gray pruinosity. Antenna black except for 1st flagellomere reddish-brown on inner and dark brown on outer side; arista black; palpus short, 3–6 times as long as wide, reddish yellow, with black hairs; prementum gleaming black; labella large. Eye with dense, yellow long hairs. Frons about 0.22 of head width, frontal vitta slightly widened anteriorly, about as wide as fronto-orbital plate in front of ocellar triangle; parafacial subequal in width to 1st flagellomere in frontal view, at most 1/2 of 1st flagellomere width in lateral view; lower margin protruding forward; genal height 0.38 of eye height. Seven pairs of frontal setae, lower 6 inclinate, strong and crossed, the foremost one descending to level of basal pedicel; upper one reclinate and strong, longer than frontal setae, outer orbital setae hair-like, ocellar setae proclinate, slender, hair-like, distinctly shorter than frontal setae, about 1/2 times as long as frontal setae; outer vertical seta twice as long as frontal setae, upper occiput bulged, with 3–4 small black hairs and yellow hairs; vibrissae inserted slightly below lower margin of face, crossed, about as long as arista, 4–6 subvibrissal setae below vibrissa, 1/3–1/2 as long as vibrissa. Antenna with scape erect, pedicel with 1 seta dorsally and without wart-like excrescence on inner surface, which slightly longer than pedicel, 1st flagellomere 2–2.5 times as long as wide, 4 times as long as pedicel, arista longer than pedicel and 1st flagellomere combined; 1st aristomere about as long as wide, 2nd aristomere 3.5 times as long as wide. Palpus 4–5 times as long as wide; prementum 3.5 times as long as wide. Thorax black, postpronotal lobe, postalar callus, and scutellum reddish yellow, covered with thin yellowish-gray pruinosity, dorsum with 4 black longitudinal vittae and black hairs, inner vittae about 1/5–1/4 width of pruinose area between inner and outer vittae; katepisternum with yellow hairs; anterior spiracle yellow, posterior spiracle dark brown; prosternum and proepisternum bare; 4–5 postpronotal setae, the strongest three arranged in a triangle, posterior middle one more or less anteriorly, posterior three setae not arranged in a straight line; 3 presutural and 3 postsutural acrostichal setae; 3 presutural and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae; 3 katepisternal setae, 3 postsutural intra-alar setae; 5 supra-alar setae, 2nd and 4th strong; a row of anepisternal setae; 1 anepimeral seta; 4 pairs of marginal scutellar setae, 1 pair of lateral scutellar setae, fine apical scutellar setae crossed, shorter than 1/2 of length of subapical scutellar seta, 2 discal scutellar setae. Wing hyaline, brownish, yellow at base, tegula black, basicosta yellow; halters yellow; calypter yellowish, inner margin of calypter adjoined lateral margin of scutellum. Relative lengths of 2nd, 3rd and 4th costal sectors approximately 3.5 : 6 : 3; cell r4+5 narrowly opened; vein R4+5 setulose from its base to r-m crossvein dorsally, setulae only at base ventrally; bend of vein M acute, more than right-angled, with an appendix distinctly longer than crossvein r-m, slightly shorter than section between crossvein dM-Cu and bend of vein M. Section of vein M between crossveins r-m and dM-Cu 2.5 times as long as distance between bend and wing margin, distance between bend and wing margin longer than distance between dM-Cu to bend. Leg with femora and tibiae mostly reddish-yellow, only basal portion of tibiae brown, tarsi and claws dark brown, pulvilli yellowish; fore coxae, and trochanters and inner surface of hind coxae with yellowish-white hairs. Fore claws slightly longer than 5th tarsomere, fore tibia with a row of anterodorsal setae, 4-5 posterodorsal setae on basal 1/2, 2 posterior setae; mid femur with 2 short anterior setae, middle tibia with 2 strong anterodorsal setae, 3–4 short posterodorsal setae on apical 1/2, 2 posterior setae and 1 ventral seta; hind tibia with a row of irregular anterodorsal setae, 3 of them strong, 2 short posterodorsal setae, 2 ventral setae, 3 preapical dorsal setae, inner one short, preapical anteroventral seta subequal to preapical posteroventral seta. Abdomen long-ovate, reddish-yellow, syntergite 1 + 2, middle part of tergite 3, posterior 1/3–1/2 of tergite 4 and tergite 5 black, epandrium reddish brown; syntergite 1 + 2 medially excavated to posterior margin, with 2–3 lateral discal setae, without median marginal seta, 1 pair of lateral marginal setae; tergite 3 with 2 short median marginal setae, which are about 1/3 times as long as tergite 3, 2 pairs of lateral marginal setae, 1–2 lateral discal setae, without median discal seta; tergite 4 with 2 short median discal setae, a row of marginal setae; tergite 5 separately with a row of discal setae and marginal setae; all tergites with reclinate recumbent black hairs. Ventral surface of syntergite 1 + 2, sternite 1 and 2 with yellowish hairs, other sternites with black hairs. Male terminalia. V-shaped cleft of sternite 5 shallow and small, apex strongly sclerotized and bluntly pointed and outer apex of the sternite bluntly round, and indent between inner and outer apex of the sternite; apex of cerci and surstylus slender and pointed apically; epiphallus small, pregonite cylindrical, postgonite slender and pointed apically.